Jasmine Blue's Tails of the Dog Park

Chapter 22: One flew over the Cooper’s nest

It is 3 p.m. and the break room at the Wag Hotel is filled with a motley crew of dogs waiting to make their television debut on KOFY TV 20’s Companion Dog Adoptions show, which airs Fridays at 10 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. on cable channel 13. Today the featured dogs come from […]

Jasmine Blue's Tails of the Dog Park

Chapter 23: Cooper undercover

After several visits to the “stray-and-surrender” kennels at San Francisco Animal Care and Control with Rocket Dog Rescue founder Pali Boucher, I found myself constantly thinking about the frightened, confused, desperate dogs I had met. Without Pali, who takes the toughest cases – mostly pit bulls – the wards of the City’s Doggie Insane Asylum […]

Jasmine Blue's Tails of the Dog Park

Chapter 24: Why did Cooper fall through the cracks?

As Steve and I watched Cooper and Jasmine Blue play on the beach at Mavericks in Half Moon Bay, it was hard to believe I’d only had the big boy for three weeks. While making frequent visits to ACC on assignment for Northside San Francisco, I succumbed to “the power of Pali” and wound up […]

Jasmine Blue's Tails of the Dog Park

Chapter 25: The luckiest pups in Bakersfield

“Death comes softly to the tan dog with the liquid brown eyes. The needle goes in. The injection is made. And the dog, his muzzle wrapped with a leash to prevent a final bite, slumps over dead. Animal care workers pull his corpse five feet across the concrete floor into a small pile of other […]

Jasmine Blue's Tails of the Dog Park

Chapter 26: Sick Vick

“Can anyone imagine the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence embracing wife killer O.J. Simpson as a spokesman? Can anyone imagine the National Organization to Prevent Sexual Abuse of Children embracing pedophile John Geoghan as a spokesman? Can anyone imagine the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network embracing rapist Josef Fritzl as a spokesman? It is […]

Jasmine Blue's Tails of the Dog Park

Chapter 27: Pittie in Pink

When you have a pit bull, softening her look is imperative if you don’t want to scare the tourists. On our walks around Stow Lake, it’s like parting the Red Sea – as Jazzy and I come down the narrow path, people practically fling themselves left and right, giving us the sidewalk to ourselves. Looks […]

Jasmine Blue's Tails of the Dog Park

Chapter 28: Chihuahuas are the new pit bulls

When I was looking to adopt a pit bull in the summer of 2006, I turned to, a wonderful Web site that allows you to enter specific criteria (breed, sex, age, proximity) and search for animals in shelters and with rescue groups all over the country. When I entered my zip code, over 5,000 […]